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WEBINAR Izby Francusko-Szwajcarskiej - Wpływ COVID19 na ekonomię europejską

Spotkanie z Głównym Ekonomistą Grupy Société Générale.

Zapraszamy do bezpłatnego udziału także firmy stowarzyszone CCIFP. Publikujemy zaproszenie poniżej (język spotkania: angielski)

The impact of Covid-19 on the European economy.

Register for this webinar to learn about the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the outlook for the European Union.


Non-pharmaceutical invention (NPI) have triggered a sudden stop, plunging the global economy into a deep recession. At the present, significant uncertainty still surrounds the duration of NPI and the path to what promises to be a new normality. The fact that many of the current losses are being transformed into future debt, be it on public or private balance sheets raises significant concerns on future potential growth.

Zooming in on Europe, the crisis has seen divergence return with force and just how policymakers respond will be key for the region’s future. Already, a lively virtual debate is taking shape in Brussels and Frankfurt, and across the European capitals, be it a European Recovery Fund, a New Green Deal, a European bad bank or a European Pandemic Equity Fund. The ECB cannot be the only game in town.

The French Swiss Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Societe Generale, invites you for a webinar on this subject Tuesday April 28, 2020 at 10:30 am. Take advantage of the expertise of Michala Marcussen, Group Chief Economist and Director of Economic and Sectoral Studies for Societe Generale, who will provide an overview of the situation and the prospects for the future.

Contact : Pierre-Marie Durecu | | +41 22 849 05 71

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