Panel discussion on the FDI in Poland


Język :


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On behalf of IGCC and AmCham, we are pleased to invite you to participate in an online meeting devoted to the role of foreign investors in Poland.

The starting point of our discussion will be the latest IGCC report entitled "Foreign Direct Investment in Poland". The meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 13th, 10:00-11:00 a.m. via the Webex platform.

Foreign investors were both beneficiaries of the Polish success story and its key contributors. According to this latest report prepared by AmCham Poland for IGCC, there are almost 25,000 companies with foreign capital in Poland, employing two million people thus creating 15% of private sector jobs. Poland has been attracting foreign investors for three decades and continues to be an attractive destination, even in these uncertain times. This meeting will be an opportunity to discuss the future direction of cooperation and investment in Poland, which not only results in Poland's economic development, but also its lasting international competitiveness. Our panelists will be top investors from Germany, the US, France and the UK. The discussion, moderated by AmCham Chairman Tony Housh, will focus on the role of FDI in Poland's post-Covid-19 economic recovery plan.

Places are limited, first come first served basis applies.

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