Aktualności firm stowarzyszonych
Ukazał się odcinek News from Poland – Business & Law poświęcony cyberprzestępstwom
In this episode, Łukasz LasekNote, the link will open in a new window explains legal aspects of fighting cybercrime in the form of ransomware and data hacks. What is a ransomware attack? How can businesses protect against it? How do we help businesses after they fall victim to ransomware extortion?
News from Poland—Business & Law is a synthesis of important current events in the Polish economy and changes to Polish law, especially those that may concern management board members and affect the risk of serving on boards. Konrad Grotowski, head of the firm’s Restructuring & Bankruptcy practice, is the host of the programme.
The programme is addressed to foreign directors of Polish companies, foreign investors in Poland, and their foreign advisors.
You may contact us with any questions or comments at: nfp@wardynski.com.pl.