Sławomir UssAttorney-at-law, Partner at Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak law firm

Sławomir Uss advises on M&A transactions, restructuring projects, mergers, divisions, transformations of companies, joint ventures as well as corporate ownership conflicts. He has a vast experience in advising international firms investing in Poland as well as being active operating from the Polish perspective of numerous cross-border transactions. In particular, he focuses on advising FMCG companies and real estate investors. On top of all this, Slawomir has extensive experience providing comprehensive advice in the aviation sector.

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Weź udział w IX edycji badania ESG w Praktyce – Barometr CCIFP 2024!

Zapraszamy do udziału w badaniu ESG w Praktyce – Barometr CCIFP. Ankieta jest dostępna ONLINE do 8.11.2024. >>>


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